Emer will sign copies of all three of Pig’s diaries, and personalise a limited edition Pig print. You can make Pig say whatever you want!

Growing up on a farm in Devon, Emer’s first ambition was to be a vet. But these dreams were cruelly dashed upon the jagged rocks of career failure by her inability to get a grade of any sort at A-level biology. Lucky for Emer, and for the animal kingdom, she decided to concede defeat and turn her attention to graphic design – record sleeve design. However, this was also not to be: just as she started her design degree, the LP became obsolete. Hoping it would be third time lucky, Emer embarked on a career in advertising. She moved to London in 1998 and began a long and winding journey through some of the UK’s top ad agencies. She finished up in charge of the team who created the John Lewis Christmas ads, and then went out on a high, choosing to jack it in and spend her time writing stories about a farting pig, instead.